Anubhav Sharma
Photographer, Blogger, Developer, Global Nomad
8 Important Points To Protect Babies From Covid
June 3, 2020, 4:50 am, Safety
Corona Virus is a highly dangerous threat to humankind, nowadays. But we are preparing ourselves daily. By taking wise actions and safety for ourselves and our family. Today we are going to discuss the safety of our children against Covid 19 (Corona Virus). We all know the safety standards for adults to follow. For example, social distancing, wearing a mask, washing hands. Moreover getting vaccination done on priority. Let’s dive into this topic for few seconds and secure your little baby from this invisible threat. Let’s discuss together the ways to protect babies from Covid.
We are aware of the importance of vaccination. Yet there is no vaccination available for small babies. It is very crucial for us to protect babies from Covid and that is the most important for all of us. It is not always advisable for small babies and toddlers to wear a mask, because of following reasons,
- It is perhaps hard to breathe for them due to the fabric of the mask. They may feel suffocated.
- Even if they wear a mask, then They might get irritated. And they will be cranky. Due to this reason, they may try to get off their mask over and over again. Resulting, touching their face more often which is again not right.
- Babies have smaller air passages. They can not inform anyone that they are not able to breathe properly. And it may cause serious issues.

Coronavirus mostly attacks Adults. Yet children are less infected by it due to government surveys and reports. But it does mean that they can not get affected by Covid 19.
We as your family, take care of every child and guide you to do the same. Following are few fundamental stickers to remember.
You should always avoid gathering and crowds with your little one. Always maintain a 6 to 8 feet distance from others when out of the house. And if someone visits your place then following the same rule of keeping distance.

Even if you are at home or in public, you should always take proper actions to help stop the spread of Covid 19.
8 Important points to take care of your babies during Corona times.
1. People who are sick must be completely restricted to reach out to the baby.

2. Avoid immediately touching your face, eyes, nose, and mouth. This is very important point to protect babies from Covid.

3. If you take the baby for an outing in a carrier then make sure it is properly sanitized and clean. Immediately clean it again after coming back home.

4. Make a habit to wash your hands frequently and tell others to do the same at home and out as well. Wash your hands immediately,
- After going back to your home.
- Before touching anything after arriving at your home from being out.
- Before holding your baby.
- Especially before breastfeeding and getting food or milk ready for small babies. By these points you can be sure to protect babies from Covid.

5. You should sanitize or clean those places, surfaces, and things. Those are easily in reach of people near you.

6. Use a handkerchief, tissue, or even your elbow in case of sneezing. Do not sneeze on your hand.

7. In order to protect babies from Covid, please avoid gatherings at home and going out in crowded places.

8. Get yourself vaccinated with proper WHO instructions. When you are protected then only you can protect babies from Covid.

Taking care of infants or toddlers is so much crucial. We can not afford any negligence once it comes to the security of our precious child. Thus we need to be so alert to protect babies from Covid at home or at aeroplanes or in the market or any crowded place. Keeping them safe could make a major difference to their excellent growth. By maintaining social distance and cleanliness. It is so important to apply these points to protect babies from Covid, Prevention is better than cure.
Let me know contact us section down below, which strategy from today’s post are you going to apply first to protect babies from Covid?
Stay Safe & Happy